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Liver Problems: Top 10 Signs that tell you that your Liver Crying for Help

Our liver is designed to digest, absorb, and process food, as well as filter blood from the digestive tract before it circulates throughout our bodies. Toxins are also converted by the liver into waste, which is excreted from the body via defecation and urine.

Your liver is responsible for a large part of your overall health. It has several functions in the body, from digesting fats with its pal the gallbladder, storing essential vitamins and minerals like iron, processing nutrients that have been absorbed in the intestines, and breaking down drugs and alcohol. With only naming a few functions you can already see the importance of the liver’s role in our health.

If it starts to dysfunctional, it can lead to various disorders which can affect the immunity of the body.

Liver problems can be caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as viruses, alcohol use, and obesity.

Liver disease doesn’t always cause noticeable signs and symptoms. If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, they may include:

1. lose weight

lose weight

Are you losing weight without controlling your diet or exercising? But then it’s a matter of thinking. Do not ignore it and take the doctor’s advice in time.

2. Nausea and vomiting

man tries to vomit

Toxic substances can be eliminated by the human liver. As a result, frequent nausea and vomiting are early signs of liver disease that should not be ignored.

3. Loss of appetite

loss of appetite

During the liver problem, the body loses its capacity to break and digest nutrients, Loss of appetite is always a sign of some underlying health condition and should never be ignored. 

4.  Irregular Sleep Cycles

Although irregular sleep patterns are common among millennials as a result of a stressful lifestyle, a study discovered that liver cirrhosis was the cause of unusual sleep patterns in many patients.

5. fatigue

fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of liver dysfunction.

Such people might wake up feeling drained or feeling like they haven’t had any sleep at all. it can even cause body aches while working.

6. abdominal pain

Liver problems frequently disrupt the body’s blood flow. As a result, this can put pressure on the intestine and other parts, resulting in abdominal pain and swelling.

If you notice sudden abdominal swelling that does not go away on its own, see a doctor right away.

7. constipation


It is a funnel to remove waste from our bodies on a daily basis. If you find yourself not having a bowel movement every day due to a lack of antioxidants in your diet, then the toxins are absorbed into your bloodstream and they start building up, drinking plenty of water along with a diet rich in antioxidants and fiber can eliminate constipation.

8. mood swings

Mood swings can be one of the symptoms of a liver problem, but this might not always be the case.

The liver is known as a seat of anger and it can be behind you feeling depressed, having poor concentration, or having recurrent headaches.

9. Jaundice

Jaundice is the most common warning sign of liver disease. If you have jaundice, your urine may appear darker, and your skin and eye whites may appear pale and yellow.

Jaundice occurs when bilirubin builds up in the bloodstream. Bilirubin is a pigment that is produced when red blood cells break down. A damaged liver cannot absorb the bilirubin and convert it into bile.

10. Memory Problems

Additionally, typical liver disease warning indicators are confusion and memory issues. When your liver is unable to remove toxins, they may enter your bloodstream and reach your brain. Memory problems, disorientation, fatigue, and even coma may result from this.

To keep the toxins in your colon and flush them out before they enter your bloodstream and make their way to your brain, your doctor may prescribe the laxative lactulose.

How Do I Get My Liver Healthy Again?

Because the liver is such a huge part of the digestive system, a healthy liver benefits almost every aspect of your health. A healthy, well-functioning liver can help you experience:

  • More Energy
  • Good Nutritional Habit
  • Clearer Skin
  • Regular Hormone Cycles
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Regular Digestion
  • Better Oral Health
  • Positive Mood

How do you improve your liver health?

Well, the first step is cutting out things like sugary drinks and processed foods. Then, losing weight can help get rid of any excess fat in the liver. After that, it’s refining your diet and eating more fruits and vegetables, preferably organic ones that aren’t exposed to liver toxins like pesticides.
